
Finishing Line or New Beginning ?

Finishing Line or New Beginning ?  Thanks for checking out this blog. For the last 29 days, I was challenging myself to be more physically active by introducing running to my daily routine. Today marks the last blog of this journey and before I share the results, I want to point out a very important fact. I was not good at committing to hobbies, programs, or any activity that involves repetitions over long periods of time. Therefore, I was expecting this challenge to be another failure, and I had felt the pain to keep going in the last month. However, I pushed myself to keep going and I succeeded.  This was supposed to be a running challenge for me, but it became more than this, now it is proof that if I want to stick to something, then I can and, with enough effort, I probably will. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more you try and fail, the more your probability of success is going to be. I don't mind failing once, twice, or ten times because I believe in success at

Day#20 - 29 Days Challenge

  Hi again everyone !! This is yet another update on the 29 Days Challenge and today marks the day number 20 in this challenge in which I chose to make running as part of my routine for gaining back my long-lost stamina and for better health in general . I’m aiming to run 5 km within 30 minutes at the end of the challenge. In this post, I want to make a simple comparison between the last 10 days and the first 10 days of this challenge, therefore I’m summarizing the key findings of this comparison in the table below: Day 1 - 10 Day 11 - 20 Number of Runs 5 Times 5 Times Total Distance Covered  10.7 km 17.25 km Total Run Time ~ 61 minutes ~ 103 minutes Average Time per Run ~12.2 minute/run ~20.6 minute/run As you can tell, I increased in quality over quantity 😁, what is even more exciting is that these last runs were joyful instead as opposed to the painful ones at the beginning of the challenge. These runs are teaching me valuable lessons both on the physical and mental levels. So

Day#10 - 29 Days Challenge

Welcome back, everyone! You are reading the update of my " Running for 29 Days " challenge where the intention was to run as often as possible during one month.  Because I LOVE data , I will be starting with some stats of my last 10 days (hmm just got the idea of creating some data visualization for my last blog, STAY TUNED). During the last 10 days: I managed to run 5 times (average of once per two days). I covered a distance of 10.07 km . The distance increase rate between my initial run (1.36 km) and my most recent run (2.40 km) is 76.5%. The total time run is more than 60 minutes .  Average of 12 minutes per run. I’m logging my run sessions through the Huawei Health mobile application . While the application is great, one thing it doesn’t take into account is the wind direction ** trust me there is a difference if you are running against the wind 😬 ** . I’m more or less satisfied with these stats given that I had to squeeze the run sessions into my daily routine which co

Day#0 - 29 Days Challenge

 Hello and welcome to my small blog. My name is Riyadh. I'm a data analyst, machine learning enthusiast, and soon to be a "runner" after this challenge :). If you want to know more about me, you can check my website here To start with, I'm taking part in the 29 days challenge, initialized by Murtadha Al-Tameemi , where people pick a hobby/skill and work on developing it for 29 days. I picked jogging. I have been thinking of bringing back my stamina to life for a while now but I always found excuses not to. Thus, I'm participating in this challenge as an attempt number zillion to make jogging part of my daily routine. I have high hopes for this attempt though as I can always be motivated by all the people around me doing some challenging for their lives as well. I chose jogging for more than one reason. Some of these are to be more physically active, increase productivity, and improve mental health, yet the most motivating reason is that I will gain back the stamin