Finishing Line or New Beginning ?

Finishing Line or New Beginning ? 

Thanks for checking out this blog. For the last 29 days, I was challenging myself to be more physically active by introducing running to my daily routine. Today marks the last blog of this journey and before I share the results, I want to point out a very important fact.

I was not good at committing to hobbies, programs, or any activity that involves repetitions over long periods of time. Therefore, I was expecting this challenge to be another failure, and I had felt the pain to keep going in the last month. However, I pushed myself to keep going and I succeeded. 

This was supposed to be a running challenge for me, but it became more than this, now it is proof that if I want to stick to something, then I can and, with enough effort, I probably will. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more you try and fail, the more your probability of success is going to be. I don't mind failing once, twice, or ten times because I believe in success at the end of the road.  

To summarize my running journey, I decided to use R programming language to code a visualization of my runs over the month. You can see the results below: 

The graph shows each of my runs as a point (total of 13 runs) and x-axis of the distance run in each running session and y-axis of the running duration of the session. The color of each point corresponds to the ground type of the place I was running in (Sand Beach or Synthetic Track) and the shape represents the time of the day in which the running session took place. 

You can see that I achieved the goal of the challenge at my last running session where I pushed myself very hard to run 5 km in less than 30 minutes. I was very proud, exhausted, and almost fainting at that moment but it was totally worth it. You can tell how my body stamina was in a bad shape on day one where I couldn't even run 1.5 km and didn't even touch 10 mints mark.

This alone proves that with consistent work, effort, and a bit of luck, anyone can witness a magical and positive sensation. 

I will keep running, and I will start a new 29 challenge for myself to do a new activity. What is holding you from doing one too? 


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