
Showing posts from June, 2021

Day#0 - 29 Days Challenge

 Hello and welcome to my small blog. My name is Riyadh. I'm a data analyst, machine learning enthusiast, and soon to be a "runner" after this challenge :). If you want to know more about me, you can check my website here To start with, I'm taking part in the 29 days challenge, initialized by Murtadha Al-Tameemi , where people pick a hobby/skill and work on developing it for 29 days. I picked jogging. I have been thinking of bringing back my stamina to life for a while now but I always found excuses not to. Thus, I'm participating in this challenge as an attempt number zillion to make jogging part of my daily routine. I have high hopes for this attempt though as I can always be motivated by all the people around me doing some challenging for their lives as well. I chose jogging for more than one reason. Some of these are to be more physically active, increase productivity, and improve mental health, yet the most motivating reason is that I will gain back the stamin